Join over 5.5 million TIPS-certified alcohol sellers/servers and get your certification online today!

With over 40 years of experience, TIPS ensures that you receive training on the regulations and guidelines that affect you in your role. TIPS sellers/servers are professionals and create a safer environment where alcohol is served and sold.

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State Agency

Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education


2800 E St. Louis Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89104

(702) 486-7330
Alcohol Server Training Law

The state requires approved alcohol server/seller training in some capacity.

Approved TIPS Programs

Classroom: On-Premise, Off-Premise, Gaming, and Concessions
Online: TIPS is approved by the Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education.


Training is required for anyone who serves or sells alcohol in Clark and Washoe Counties, and Carson City.

Length of Certification

TIPS Certification is valid for 4 years

State Laws & Regulations to be Aware of:

State Laws & Regulations to be Aware of:

Age to Consume


Age to Pour

Determined by Local Jurisdictions

Dram Shop Liability Laws


Age to Serve

Determined by Local Jurisdictions

Age to Sell 

Determined by Local Jurisdictions 

Acceptable Forms of ID 

Bonafide documentary evidence of the majority and identity of the person issued by a federal, state, county or municipal government, or subdivision or agency thereof. These include but are not limited to valid driver's licenses and military IDs with a photograph.

Notes on Selling or Serving 

Nevada does not have a Dram Shop law, but some local jurisdictions may.


What do I need to serve alcohol in Nevada?

How do I get a bartender awareness card in Las Vegas?

How long does a Nevada alcohol awareness card last?





Why choose tips 1

Pioneer In Alcohol Safety

Originally introduced in 1982, TIPS On-Premise was developed by professionals in the fields of alcohol abuse, adult education, hospitality, and psychology as a tool to teach servers and bartenders to prevent alcohol abuse among customers. This radical strategy to teach servers and bartenders standard practices for the service of alcohol and how to look for signs of intoxication became the industry standard.

Very soon, TIPS met industry requests for programs tailored to other environments with specific scenes and strategies for those industries. Today, TIPS offers courses specific to On-Premise, Off-Premise, Delivery, Gaming, Concessions, and University.

Whether required by law in your state or not, alcohol server and seller training helps you identify and prevent alcoholic beverages from getting in the hands of minors or intoxicated persons. TIPS is trusted to provide training that goes deeper into situations than just covering regulations or BAC. TIPS develops your "people skills" for handling specific situations and maintain a safe environment.

Why choose tips 2

Robust Training Experience

TIPS is more than any general alcohol safety training available. It's an immersive training experience.

TIPS online courses have an outstanding quality of content, easy-to-understand modules, and helpful reinforcement quizzes. TIPS is designed to empower individuals to use their people skills to positively influence their guests' drinking behavior and to help individuals feel confident to intervene in situations that might be uncomfortable or a safety risk.

All of this to make learning and retaining knowledge about safely selling and serving alcohol as relatable as possible.

Why choose tips 3

The TIPS Advantage

Not only will you learn skills for handing situations, you'll become better at your job and in turn be a more attractive candidate. PLUS TIPS offers you protections:

  • The insurance industry discounts liquor liability premiums up to 25% for TIPS-certified clients.
  • Courts recognize TIPS as the standard for server training programs.
  • Liquor boards mitigate fines and penalties for violators who incorporate TIPS training at their establishments.
  • And hotels, restaurants, and bars across the country reap the benefits of more professional wait staff and more satisfied customers.