TIPS Online Exam Voucher
Each Exam Voucher has a unique ID. Click Proceed and enter the Online Exam Voucher Code(s) provided by your TIPS Trainer to complete your certification exam. Exam must be completed by MIDNIGHT the day of the classroom or remote TIPS training session.
For TIPS classroom or remote training participants who received Online Exam Vouchers from their Trainer.

TIPS Pre-Paid Passports
TIPS Pre-Paid Passports are single use course vouchers. Each Passport has a unique ID.
Click Take Course and enter your Passport # to complete your training and certification exam.
For individuals who received a TIPS Pre-Paid Passport from an employer, business, or other entity to complete a pre-paid TIPS Alcohol Server/Seller training course for a specific jurisdiction or state. Once you register, you will have sixty (60) days to complete the course and exam before the course will expire.